ATSAMA5D36 IoT EXT Dev Kit Linux

This IoT EXT dev kit is a highly customizable kit for developing quickly your next Internet Of Things solution.

The kit is composed of a Singe Board Computer (SBC-SAMA5D36) and an IoT extension board which provides WiFi/Bluetooth interfaces to connect the device to the Internet.

Beside the wireless connectivity, the extension adds six I/O connectors that comply with the Grove sensor system from the company Seeed.

And for security features, a TPM is provided for cryptographic key management.

The kit runs the lastest LTS Linux kernel v4.9 and is build with the simple and efficient Buildroot tool.

The ready-to-use image available in the download section helps you setup quickly your device to run a MQTT protocol demo that sends temperature data to a Cloud.


  • Low powered SBC running the latest Long-Term Linux Kernel
  • Wireless communication with WiFi/Bluetooth connectivity for the IoT
  • Grove connectivity for quickly test hundreds of ready-to-use sensors
  • TPM key management for extra security features
  • Easy customised / Easy to be up and running

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