Yocto 2.5.3 Sumo

emtrion produces and offers various base boards and modules which are available in https://support.emtrion.de/en/home.html. This software supports the developer kit with the combination of the module SBC-SAMA5D36.

The SBC-SAMA5D36 is based on the ATSAMA5D36 board from Microchip. It supports open source software development with a fully functional Linux kernel. The system can be tailored according to requirements using Yocto Project as well as buildroot. Owing to the fast developing world of embedded systems, recent new solutions call for an update in the current product; to provide the customer with a more reliable and updated solution.

The previous Yocto version for the product is Yocto Dizzy (1.7), first launched in 2014. In the past 5 years lots of changes have been implemented in the Yocto Project repositories and the latest version that can be accessed is Warrior (2.7). However, the product is from Microchip and taking into consideration the tests and development by the chip provider, the last stable release for the "meta-atmel" layer is based on the version Sumo (2.5.3). So it has been decided to update the project to the Yocto sumo version, offering a stable and updated environment for the product. Emtrion provides two Yocto layers to add the necessary functions: "meta-emtrion" and "meta-emtrion-bsp" layers. While the meta-emtrion layer provides a general layer for all the functions common to the entire product range, the emtrion-bsp layer, as the name suggests is board specific. In case of the board under consideration, the relevant layer is meta-emtrion-sbc-sama5d36. The recipes used by the emtrion’s meta-layers are mostly based on recipes of several other meta-layers, e.g. meta-atmel. These recipes have been modified or extended by Emtrion.

The BSP is a Linux Kernel, sourced from the linux mainline LTS and the version is 4.9.181. The support for this version is scheduled to run till 2023 and will ensure a stable product. The developer kit is managed by the specific kernel configuration file and the device tree file, along with patches required for the correct operation of the associated peripherals.

The U-boot(version 2014.07) system implemented in the board will also be updated to a newer revision soon.

Product Information

Version 2.5.3
Revision v20190708
Status development ongoing
Supported Core Modules

There is currently no further information available for this product.
