Debugging of Virtualized Multicore Embedded Targets
Project Vamoss
In August 2017, the Vamoss project, funded by the Central Innovation Program for SMEs, was initiated together with emtrion GmbH, Lauterbach GmbH and the Institut für verlässliche Embedded Systems und Kommunikationselektronik at the Hochschule Offenburg.
The goal of the project, to develop a software module that enables the debugging of individual virtual cells of the hypervisor Jailhouse, has now been successfully implemented.
For the joint project, the emtrion emCON-RZ / G1H module is used as an embedded multicore platform with up to 8 parallel cores. In combination with the Jailhouse hypervisor from Siemens, several applications with different requirements can be executed in so-called cells. Since the debugging of such systems is a complex task, a jailhouse awareness was developed for the TRACE32 debugging environment of Lauterbach GmbH, which offers the following possibilities:
- debug the virtualized multi-core system in both Asymmetric Multi-Processing (AMP) and Symmetric Multi-Processing (SMP) modes
- show detailed configuration states of the active cells
- display and trace the Inter-Cell-Communication
- use breakpoints across cell boundaries
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