Real-Time Kits

Name SoC Supported operating systems
STM32F479NI Neon Dev Kit FreeRTOS STM32F479NI
  • FreeRTOS 10.0.1


STM32F769NI Neon Dev Kit FreeRTOS headless STM32F769NI
  • FreeRTOS 10.0.1


What is a Real Time Development Kit?

A Real Time Development Kit is a preconfigured set of hardware and software components specially designed for the development of real-time applications. It usually consists of a CPU module, a baseboard and various interfaces for connecting peripheral devices. Because the software is already pre-installed, developers don't need to bother about the operating system or low-level drivers and can get right to designing applications.

Advantages of a Real Time Development Kit

A Real Time Development Kit offers a range of functions and features that make it an extremely practical tool for developers:

  • Easy access to interfaces: Kits often offer a variety of interfaces such as Ethernet, USB and JTAG for easy debugging.
  • Pre-installed software: The software, usually a real-time operating system such as FreeRTOS, is already pre-installed, making it easier to get started.
  • Compatibility: Many kits are compatible with common development environments and expansion modules, which speeds up development.
  • Rapid prototyping: The kits are designed to enable rapid development and evaluation of prototypes.

Areas of application for Real Time Dev Kits

Real Time Development Kits are used in a wide range of applications and industries, including

  • Industrial automation
  • Medical technology
  • Automotive
  • IoT devices
  • Telecommunications

Our Real Time Developer Kit

We have two specialized Real Time Dev Kits on offer:

  • STM32F479NI Neon Dev Kit FreeRTOS: This kit contains an emSTAMP Neon module with an ST STM32F479NI microcontroller and is ideal for rapid prototyping.
  • STM32F769NI Neon Dev Kit FreeRTOS headless: This kit has a more potent microcontroller than the STM32F479NI kit, but it still includes an emSTAMP Neon CM7 module.

Both kits are equipped with FreeRTOS and optionally available with μClinux. They offer a variety of interfaces and are compatible with all Arduino Expansion Modules.

Use our Real Time Dev Kits!

With our kits, we offer you a robust and versatile platform for the development of real-time applications. They are the ideal choice for your projects. Finding the ideal development kit for your project is something we would be pleased to assist you with. For a free consultation, get in touch with us!